Compare and Hire the Best Personal Trainers in Singapore

4973Approved Personal Trainers

Looking for the perfect personal trainer in Singapore to suit your needs, schedule and help you achieve your fitness goals? Whether it is muscle building, fat loss, injury rehab or fat loss, we have the right personal trainers you are looking for.

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How old is the student who needs the personal trainer?

  • Below 16 years old
  • 17 - 23 years old
  • 24 - 30 years old
  • 31 - 44 years old
  • 45 - 64 years old
  • 65 years old or above
Best Pros

Featured Fitness Coaches

  • Genesis Gym Singapore
    With over 15 years, and 1 MILLION hours of documented personal training sessions, the Genesis Gym team will help you get safe, sustainable results, even if you have struggled in the past. Our team will build a science-based, customized plan for yo...
  • Brandon Ip
    (2 Reviews)
    • 6 years of experience • Fluent in English, Cantonese & Mandarin • Coached & helped over 70 individuals achieve their fitness & health goals with personalised programs - Clients’ Testimonials - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “My goals upon starting were to improve my...
  • Wockeez
    (35 Reviews)
    Fitness is more than physically working out in the gym; it is rather about training your mentality. Tailor-made fitness programme for you by applying anatomy knowledge. Coaching with heart A good trainer here to lead your mind
  • NEO
    (11 Reviews)
    Nothing will do Unless you do 1對1 私人訓練 *減脂計劃 *身形塑造 *功能訓練 配合資深的教授及先進的器材,為你度身設計出一套有效之個人訓練計劃,達到要求的身形和健康。 計劃根據你的體質,要求,運動習慣和生活方式而設定。 提供試堂,之後package hkd400-550/堂。 Whatsapp no. 642***18
  • 阿霆
    (54 Reviews)

    2023 WNBF bodybuilding 65kg open champion 🥇 🏆
    2023 WNBF bodybuilding 70kg novice 3rd 🥉
    2023 HKUBA Classic below 170cm novice 3rd 🥉
    2023 HKUBA Classic Below 170cm open 6th 🎖️

    -中國香港體適能總會 體適能導師證書
    -亞洲運動及體適能專業學院(AASFP) 高級私人教練證書
    -美國國家體育醫學學會 (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer


    - 增肌減脂 💪🏼💪🏼
    - 改善posture (圓肩,寒背,盆骨前傾等問題) 🚶🏃
    - 會提供貼身飲食建議 (無間斷WhatsApp答覆關於健身或飲食問題) 🍴🍗🥕🍎
    - 心態輔導 (如何長時間維持健身習慣及健康飲食) 🔥
    - 提升專項運動表現 ⛹🏻🚴🏼🏊🏾


  • 教練聯盟
    (251 Reviews)
    教練聯盟堅拒不良銷售,更重視服務質素,以及與學員間的溝通。根據各學員的需要度身制訂個人的健體計劃以達成目標。 教練聯盟不受會藉約束,彈性的時間地點,更切合現今繁忙而又重視健康的都市人。我們的專業團隊包括香港健美界地位崇高的港隊健美運動員和具不同運動學位,專項訓練,運動創傷及伸展治療的資深教練組成。課程在10區總店統籌和監控,確保以高質素和最專業運作課程給學員達到效果。 【港島區:中環、銅鑼灣 、天后】 【九龍區:尖沙咀 、佐敦、黃埔、觀塘】 【新界區:荃灣 、元朗 、屯門】 現提供優惠$1600/ 4 堂一個月體驗課程,試堂費用$100,歡迎預約及查詢。
  • Avis
    (2 Reviews)
    certified personal trainer in aasfp pre & post natal trainer trx trainer stretching trainer children fitness trainer provide customized programme for clients to achieve targets
  • KM
    (6 Reviews)
    Hi everyone! My name is Kevin. Every Champion starts from beginner. Qualified PT Move Active Eat Healthy Effective training Kung Fu Lover Why not you?
  • Jerry
    (7 Reviews)
    本人能為你提供身體評估,度身訂造合適的訓練計劃。 教導你訂立目標,有效地為客戶達到減肥瘦身,改善體形,結實肌肉,增強體能,強大肌肉,創傷康復,姿勢矯正,體形健碩等目標,改善你的身型。教練會針對學員的個人的健身目標,設計飲食處方,改善其飲食習慣,幫助你達致最佳健康狀態 擁有專業訓練計劃,為你作專業身體分析, 設計適合你的個人健身訓練課程, 增肌、消脂、體重管理、飲食、及產後修身等一對一指導。 • 提供專業訓練, ,有專業資格及多年教學經驗 • 有豐富比賽經驗,曾參與2015年度各大全港健身比...
  • Nicole Leung
    (4 Reviews)
    🤸🏻‍♀️Nicole🧘🏻 💪專長領域是肌筋膜放鬆、功能性及自身重量訓練。 ✨希望分享她的經驗和技術,使別人能在運動中得到很多樂趣並有一個健康生活及強健體魄。 ✅不管你的需求是什麼,歡迎來找我,指導你如何透過有效的全身關節活動,達到減脂、增肌、體態調整,讓我幫助你變得更有自信。 💰價錢參考 普拉提私人試堂:$500 健身私人試堂:$400 我地嘅專業教練會協助評估📋,為你度身訂造適合學員既課程,遠離藥物告別痛症。 歡迎 WhatsApp 預約:511***58(Nicole)☎️
  • Oscar Ng
    (1 Reviews)
    Oscar is a physiotherapist with great passion in sports rehabilitation and strength and conditioning. He has graduated The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Bsc(HON) in physiotherapy in 2012. Besides, he has obtained Msc in Sports Medicine and Hea...
  • Marco chow
    (1 Reviews)
    My own charge~out rate is around HKD 450 -750 per hours and it depends on exact location. The first trial class charge is HKD 300. 收費大約$450-750每小時,視乎地點。首次試堂$300
  • June Ma
    (8 Reviews)
    Hello, I am June. As a yoga instructor and Personal Fitness trainer, our classes designed base on my knowledge of anatomy and maximizing the benefits of yoga scientifically. I felt a profound connection to the practice which opened my body, heart ...
  • Customer Reviews
    Based on 87 reviews
    Sep 25 2024

    5 star rating! amazing
    Sep 25 2024

    Beautiful, very effective!

    Nov 03 2020


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    Actual Personal Training Requests

    • “Find TRX personal Trainer”


      What are your personal fitness goals?Weight loss, Flexibility
      How old is the student who needs the personal trainer?31 - 44 years old
      Anything else you would like your Pro to know?Hi I'm specifically interested in TRX training
    • “Lose weight”


      What are your personal fitness goals?Weight loss
      How old is the student who needs the personal trainer?24 - 30 years old
      Anything else you would like your Pro to know?Would like to lose weight within two months
    • “Gain muscle”


      What are your personal fitness goals?Increase muscle strength, Endurance training
      How old is the student who needs the personal trainer?17 - 23 years old
      Anything else you would like your Pro to know?I am a bit skinny.

    About Personal Trainers - Personal Trainer Singapore / Personal Trainer Singapore Rates

    You will be charged differently for different fitness coach. The factors which affect the pricing may include: experience of your coach, length of your personal, training difficulty, special request and so on. When you post your request on our platform, there will be up to four fitness trainers to give you the quotation. Most of our personal trainers come from different chain fitness centers and some of them are the owners of their private Gym centers. They are all experienced fitness trainer. If you have some special requests for your fitness coach, for instance: you may want a trainer who provide courses for women or go to specific Gym room for training. All your requests can be written down and submit to us. We can match the most suitable fitness coach for you.

    Under normal circumstances, your personal trainer will meet with you at the Gym center agreed by both parties. If you have a designated Gym room, such as a Gym center in a private club or you already have all the fitness equipments at home, you will need to inform your fitness Coach in advance.  If you are satisfied with his / her teaching, you can continue to hire the coach by contacting your private trainer.

    We have the best personal trainers on our platform and you will be able to meet the best coach in Singapore after you submit the request. Get the quote now!

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